The Wall Street Diet Weight Loss Plan for Extremely Busy People

Created by Heather Bauer, registered dietitian, The Wall Street Diet Plan is a strategic diet plan which will inculcate healthy eating habits in you. The diet plan is apt for modern people, who have so much hectic schedule at work that they have no time to cook meals for them, or to keep check on the number of calories consumed.

The Wall Street diet plan promises to keep its busy dieters in perfectly slender shape. So, if you want to melt away pounds from your body without going through tough guidelines and diet regime, you certainly can adhere to the diet solution.

What is The Wall Street Diet?

Instead of being high protein, low carb, and low fat diet program, the Wall Street diet plan is one of the most logical diet programs. No matter which profession you are in, you can stick to the diet plan. You will find myriad practical strategies given by Heather in the diet plan. These strategies are simple and easy to follow.

There are several business people who have been able to shed pounds from their bodies just by using the diet program. Without bringing drastic changes in your lifestyle, you too can attain healthier and happier body with the help of the Wall Street diet.

The diet plan will not depart you from your loved foods. It rather will ask you to give names of your favorite foods such as chocolate, pizza, ice cream etc., and will suggest you perfect time to eat these foods.

What The Wall Street Diet Will Do? 

You will find numerous tips and strategies in the diet solution, guiding you about what you should eat while you are in business meeting, or airplane travelling, or office party, or in any other situation when you don’t understand what you should eat and what you should refrain from eating.

For instance, if you are going to have your meal in restaurant, do small planning in advance in your mind about what you will have. You can prefer having vodka in comparison with wine or any other alcoholic drink, because due to being bitter in taste, you won’t feel tempted to drink it in high quantity.

Besides that, rely on appetizers more than on full meals. Appetizers will mitigate your appetite and you will be able to control your eating. And when it comes to desserts, choose healthy snacks. For instance, instead of choosing chocolate, you can go for sorbet, ricotta cheesecake etc.

What Kind of Eater You are?

Heather has divided dieters into two categories namely clean plate club eaters and controlled eaters. No matter, what their appetite level is, clean plate club eaters believe in finishing their entire plate. Contrary to that, controlled eaters stop eating as they become full.

Heather considers herself belonging to category of clean plate club eater, but despite that she has been able to maintain trim body shape. Reason being, she has figured out the secret hidden in foods and eating habits. You will be allotted diet plan on the basis of your category.

Seven Basic Principles of Diet Plan

Heather has suggested remembering seven basic principles while having your meals. These principles will help you in maintaining slender and healthy body. Let’s have a look at these principles.

  • Refrain from dry carbs such as biscuits, muffins, pasta, pizza, sweets etc. Inculcate juicy carbs instead in your diet. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, wholegrain bread, corn, chickpeas etc. are great sources of juicy carbs; you can have them whenever you experience appetite.
  • Keep healthy snacks available with you, so you can eat them whenever you feel hungry. Proteins can always be consumed to satisfy your appetite. Always store turkey in your refrigerator and have one or two pieces of it whenever you feel hungry.
  • Refrain from eating snacks which you cannot save for next time. For example crude oil with low fat dips is one of the healthy snacks but you cannot save it for next time, even when you are contented, you have got to finish it in one go.
  • Pen down the food items you ate in a day and review it whenever you get time. Doing so will alarm you whenever you will feel like consuming something unhealthy. This is an effective strategy which will help you in maintaining good distance from unhealthy foods.
  • Drink enormous amount of water in a day. Have one glass of water mandatorily one hour before your meals. Doing so will mitigate your tendency of eating more foods in meals. You can easily drink eight to nine glasses of water in a day without disturbing your hectic schedule. Water is paramount ingredient of weight loss program. Should you stick to highly nutritious diet but ignore water, you can never attain your weight loss objective.
  • Avoid soda drinks and never substitute them with water. Soda drinks are high in calories and sugar, which enhance your appetite.
  • Learn to compensate your intake of unhealthy foods with intake of nutritious and balanced foods. For example, if you happen to eat a lot of foods such as pizza, cakes, pastries etc. on a day, balance the loss with consumption of healthy and nutritious foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds etc. the very next day.

Sample Menu Plan

The Wall Street diet plan has divided the diet regime in four small meals in a day. Let’s have a look at one of the sample menu plans.


You can have plain oatmeal with a piece of fresh fruit, yogurt with mini cottage cheese etc. And if you fall into category of controlled eater, you can have peanut butter with high fiber crackers.


You can have grilled chicken Caesar salad with two tablespoons of dressings, wheat bread sandwich with vegetable dressings etc. in your lunch.

Afternoon Snack

You can have any fresh fruit such as apple, grapefruit, banana, peach, nutrition bars your afternoon snack. Though heather has recommended afternoon snacks, but they are not mandatory. If you don’t feel like eating anything till dinner, you can skip them.


You can have frozen organic fruits and veggies, or two meatballs with veggies in your dinner.
